Monday 7 January 2013

Wedding and celebration card

This is a card which I have designed.I have used the cooker gas cut as my outer rim as a frame and used charts and dried flowers to decorate it.thermocol balls to add some colours to it.

Materials used:
Cooker gas cut-outer frame
Dried flowers -shape of heart
Thermocol balls
Paper cut into designs and pasted on outer walls.
Bells to signify wedding or celebrations....

This card I have designed for the contest organised by Itsy bitsy

You can also find my entry in this itsy bitsy

I got to know about  this challenge from kavitha 's blog.Kalalayaa art club.Thank you:)


  1. Hey cool idea Sudha! The final result is quite lovely! Thanks so much for playing along ItsyBitsy's Weddings & Celebrations Challenge! All the very best!
    ItsyBitsy - The Blog Place
